Friday, September 19, 2008

Finally Friday!

This has been a quick week and I cannot believe it is Friday, but in the same breathe, THANK GOODNESS. I have worked out 3 days. I SHOULD have worked out today, but I will get a workout tonight when I chase the toddler around the high school football game and climb the stairs a dozen times. In the meantime, I feel bloated and nasty. I splurged and had a Chinese dinner out with some friends last night and then dessert was Cheesecake and Wine......what was I thinking??? Oh well, I am still craving a second piece of cheesecake, so go figure. I really need to join another Weight Loss Challenge, simply to motivate me. I don't need to lose a significant amount, but I need that motivation and accountability. I will start searching....well, until then, CIAO!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Back on the WORKOUT WAGON!

Okay, so it is 5:06 a.m. and I up, dressed, and headed OUT the door to the gym. It has been at least 4 weeks since I regularly attended the gym. WHY the break??? No reason, just pure and simple laziness. I could list a dozen excuses, but the bottom line is...LAZINESS. I have gained about 3 pounds, so I just feel sluggish, so hopefully I can rev up my healthy eating habits and pair it up with some exercise and be back to my normal self by October 4th! Why October 4th???? I am going to a FABULOUS wedding and I need to wear my 'little black dress'. Okay, I am outta here, otherwise I would type all day and have yet another 'excuse' for not working out!

Love ya! Jewely