I awoke in just a sour ass mood today. You know those days where everyone and everything annoys you. I think it stems from last night. I had been cooped up all day long in the house with the kiddos, so I decided to take a much deserved walk, alone. I summoned the hubby away from the big screen and headed out the door in my walking shoes. It was a gorgeous evening. I was blessed with a beautiful sunset. The pink and blue colors in the sky were absolutely amazing. About 3/4 way through my walk, the hubby called, asking where I was. I gave him my location and ETA and we hung up. I continued to enjoy my evening stroll. Once I got back home, the youngest was obviously hungry, so I fed her and then it was bath time. After bath time, it was only natural to get on our jammies and settle in for the night. Well, baby had other plans. I was frustrated and annoyed and just wanted a little extra help from hubby, but he had already sprinted back downstairs to the comfort of his big screen and computer, so I was stuck with a cranky baby, a hyper toddler and an even crankier 11-year old. Needless to say, by the time mommy was able to make it bed, she was cranky!!!! I guess I woke up today with some of the same crankiness. Plus I have a headache and just don't feel like myself. I really hope that I am not getting sick.
Well, off to finish my Healthy Choice frozen lunch. I spyed some cheesecake in the cafeteria.....I might have to sneak myself a piece.
A Valentine’s Day Sommelier Death Match!
3 years ago
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