I have not had a recent post lately. Trust me, it is not a lack of things to write about, but more about my busy life. At any rate, I have to share this story. I always warn people that clothing is optional at my house. The toddler usually strips down to his underwear the second he walks in the door. He has learned this from his FATHER.....
I was out of town on a business trip and my husband was home with our three children. On Wednesday evening after supper, my husband and my oldest son were in the garage, getting my son ready for a hunting trip this Saturday. The toddler presented himself at the garage door, naked, and informed my husband that he had 'pooped'. Husband followed the toddler back to the bathroom to take care of the wiping. In the meantime, the doorbell rang. Husband being in his underwear, hollered at my oldest son to answer the door. Oldest son was wearing 'waders' and one boot. He hobbled into the living room to answer the door. It was an unsuspecting boy scout selling popcorn. My son invited him into the living room and went back to ask Husband if we needed any popcorn. My husband (being in his underwear) told my oldest son to ask the boy scout to return another evening. My oldest son hobbled back out into the living room and told the boy scout that we did not want anything. My husband then hollered 'come back later', as he cannot tell the little boy scout 'NO', but nor could he venture out in his boxer briefs and review the sales catalog. In the meantime, my naked toddler breaks free from daddy and goes streaking out into the front room, demanding popcorn. The poor boy scout was surely traumatized by all of the red-neck wader-wearing nakedness in my house. All the while, my 9-month old daughter was in the living room, watching all of the action unfold as she played in her exersaucer. Not sure what she was wearing....probably just a diaper!!!
A Valentine’s Day Sommelier Death Match!
3 years ago
ok, that was HYSTERICAL!
Thanks for the laugh!
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