First of all....I need to preface this post that I am not a huge animal lover. It goes back to when I was 17 and my mother moved me around to a lot of different rental properties and I had to give my adorable puppy away. I was heart broken and vowed that I would never get attached to another animal.
Anyways....we have a cat....her name is Sadie Mae. Sadie was a gift to my son on his 4th birthday. Let me just say that a kitten is NOT a good birthday gift for a 4-year old. Granted, he was thrilled and we had some fabulous Kodak Moments....followed by weeks of scratches and tears. 8-years later....the cat is still a part of our family. She is a very moody are most cats. When she does not like something....she vomits! This morning, I awoke to a fresh pile of cat puke just under my chair, next to this computer. She is a smart cat....she knew that hubby or I would be on the computer first thing and we would see the little gift she left for us and hopefully get the message that 'she is upset'. The only thing I can figure that she is annoyed with is Spring Break and the fact that I have been home all week, along with the two youngest children. It has upset her routine of napping and roaming the empty house for hours on end. Well sorry Miss Pukey Pants...I pay the mortgage, so just deal with it! Yesterday we had a playdate with some friends, so the added chaos in the house probably set her over the edge. I guess she will just have to wait a few more days until Monday rolls back around and we are back into our normal routine and grove. In the meantime, hubby has some cleaning up to do this morning. We have a rule....daddy cleans up cat puke and mommy cleans up kiddo puke.
Does anyone else have moody pets???? Mine is horrible and she is lucky to be alive after she puked on my scrapbook table and peed on my ironing board!
Friday, March 21, 2008
9-lives and counting.....
Posted by Jewely at 6:08 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 17, 2008
AHA Moments

Posted by Jewely at 6:07 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 16, 2008
KUDOS to the Hubby!
On Saturday, I went scrapbooking from 10 til 5 and the hubby stayed at home with the kiddos. I had had this event planned for over 3 weeks and I was looking forward to my free time to just hang with some Scrappy Gals and be creative. When I arrived home shortly after 5:00, I was pleasantly greeted with a vase of yellow roses and a Pink Zune MP3 player!!! I was shocked and surprised and excited and PROUD. My husband loaded up three children and went shopping for me!!! The roses are pretty and the Zune is AWESOME!!! It does way more than the MP3 player that was last year's Mother's Day Gift...which the husband has stolen from me. I am thrilled and very happy with my husband. I have already uploaded music and photos and other neat stuff to my new toy. Now my daily walks will be even better as I will have static free music, plus, the Zune is PINK. (The Zune is the Microsoft version of an IPod)
To make the husband look even more fabulous....he had an opportunity to attend the Big 12 Tournament in Kansas City and watch KU play, but since it was our anniversary and my family's Easter dinner, he declined. I know that must have hurt him a little....okay, A LOT....but he made the decision all on his own. I told him that I would not be upset if he went to the game, as long as I was allowed to spend the same amount of money on new clothes that he would spend on tickets, gas and food. I am very happy and touched that he chose his family over the Big 12 Tournament. I guess he does love me after all.
Posted by Jewely at 7:57 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Posted by Jewely at 12:21 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Karah's 1st Wagon Ride - March 9, 2008
Posted by Jewely at 4:58 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 6, 2008
The Right Direction
After having a pretty rough time with the flu and getting off track with both diet and exercise...I made a renewed commitment to myself to forget about the past and look towards the future! The fabulous sunshine has lifted my spirits! After some encouraging words from my fellow FABU-less Ladies, I entered the week head on with healthy meals and exercise everyday! After 9-completed weeks of the body transformation, here are my results so far:
Loss of 9 pounds!!! Loss of 8 inches over my total body broken down as follows:
Waist - down 4"
Hips - down 3 1/2"
Thighs - down 1/2"
Bust - same (still nursing)
I still have 11 weeks to reach my goal.....I would still like to lose another 5-6 pounds and slim down the waist, hips and thighs a few more inches. I am currently concentrating on sculpting some 'tank top arms' and firming up those abs. After 3 children and 2 c-sections....those ab muscles are pretty loose! Again, I have to remind myself daily that this is a life style change and once I reach my goal....the work does not stop. I will need to continue to eat healthy and exercise daily to maintain my rockin new body!!!
Tonight we are having pizza, as my son's preschool is doing a fundraiser. I am going to order a veggie delight on thin crust! Please give me the strength to limit my pizza consumption to one slice and fill up on veggies and salad!!! I just keep telling myself to listen to my body and to stop eating when I feel full!!!
Posted by Jewely at 10:58 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Motivational Thought of the Day

So if you are having a bad day and feeling sorry for could look like a dick with buck teeth!
Happy Hump Day!
Posted by Jewely at 10:15 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
All Tuckered Out - Miss Karah
Posted by Jewely at 1:41 PM 0 comments
Terrific Tuesday
It is only 6:00 a.m., so I am not sure how terrific of a day it is yet, as my daycare called to let me know that she is closing today, so already the daily routine has had a wrench thrown into it. However, I did rise at 5:00 a.m. to workout. I clocked 20 minutes on my Elliptical and then did some upper body weights. I also saw a commercial on TV with Kelly Ripa. Man, that woman has some rockin arms! I would LOVE to have sculpted, shapely arms before tank top season. I think that I need to buy some heavier dumb bells and beef up my routine. I did find the Kelly Ripa Workout on the web, so I need to mark that as one of my Favorites.
The insatiable appetite was a curse on I seemed to snack all day long, along with eating 3 meals. It is a curse and I really hope that I can get a grip on this situation. I really worry about this summer when I am off work and have way more free time to just sit around and nibble. It will be vital that I keep myself busy and active, otherwise, I will eat my way back up the scales before the fall semester begins.
Well, it is time again to start my morning 'beauty' ritual...(hahaha), so off to the shower.
Posted by Jewely at 5:59 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 3, 2008
Monday Again
Well, it is Monday morning again! I had a great weekend and I started out my week with some cardio and lower body toning. My elliptical needs to have the batteries changed, so it was a pretty weak cardio attempt, but at least I got my body moving. The scales were my friend today, so I was pleased with the number....132.0. I have this obsession with the scales and checking my weight daily. I have heard conflicting advice about my daily weight checks...but Mondays are typically my official weigh in Thursday when I log my weight for the FABU-less ladies challenge. At any rate, I was happy with the number and it reaffirmed to me that my scales are not broken.
I do seriously need some help with my food choices. I was horrible all weekend long! I would eat something healthy like carrots and watermelon, then end my meal with ice cream. And for supper on Sunday night, all I had was ice cream! I did go shopping and bought tons of fresh veggies and fruit, so let's hope I can stick to my WW points this week.
Well, I need to get busy! My students are calling me!
Posted by Jewely at 8:12 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 2, 2008
***Wonderful Windy Weekend***

Posted by Jewely at 2:04 PM 0 comments