Since January 3rd I have officially lost 10 pounds!!! To be completely is 10.7 pounds. In talking with friends, students, and other Fabu-Less Ladies about my weight loss / body transformation journey, several comments have really stuck with me.
First Comment -I have gotten too competitive - I TOTALLY AGREE! I think that I lost sight of the true vision, which is a healthier lifestyle! Granted, it would be great to win that big pot of cash at the end of the 20 weeks, but that is really not my ultimate goal. I want to be healthier and have more energy and feel sexy in my own 30-something body.
Second Comment - I did not need to lose any weight - I AGREE (SORTA) - I needed to lose a few pounds of pesky fat so that I could focus on toning and firming. I want to wear a smaller size of clothing and look good and feel good and have more energy! If I did not drop a few pounds, I would have never been motivated to continue. Plus, dropping that weight makes strength training easier and firming up these muscles is really what I want to do. Remember...I want those tank top 'Kelly Ripa' arms.

Third Comment - I should not feel guilty about eating a donut occasionally, as I cannot avoid donuts the rest of my life - I TOTALLY AGREE and THANK YOU for reminding me of the big picture!!!!
Well, it is Monday of my first Spring Break in many, many years. I am up before the rest of the Cooper Clan and I am going to do my exercise tape and my upper body toning. Then we have a ton of errands to get done today. There is supposed to be thunderstorms today, so I am not sure how much we will get accomplished outside of the house....but I have several closets that desperately need a spring cleaning!
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