Saturday, February 23, 2008


The flu has invaded the Cooper house! It is super nasty! All I can say is get plenty of rest and listen to your body!!! This is not something that you want to mess around with. I have been sick for almost an entire week. It started with a scratchy throat and then a dry cough. Within about 3 days, I was presenting with all of the symptoms of Influenza A and it took me down! For me, the worst part was the sore throat and exhaustion. Today is day #6 and I am finally feeling better. I am not 100%, but I think I can make it through the day. I still need to take it easy, but hopefully I can function, as the entire family is at home, so I don't have many options. The lack of appetite has helped with the weight loss journey, but as my appetite returns, I need to be aware that I don't overeat. At this point, only one other family member has gotten keep your fingers crossed that the rest of them have been spared.

I am looking forward to the warmer weather that is predicted for Sunday and Monday. This never ending winter, cold temperatures and cloud cover is enough to depress a person!