My husband is a HUGE waterfowl hunter. The spring goose season is his most active time of the year to go hunting and he plans for months in advance for this brief window during the year. Granted, he goes hunting for ducks, deer, turkey, and other things throughout the year, but geese are his favorite. His nickname is "Gooseslayer" if that tells you anything. At any rate, he has been spending every free moment over the last few weeks and days building an electronic goose caller. He has pieced together this 'thing' through the internet and Radio Shack and Wal-mart. I can hear him drilling and sawing 'things' in his hobby room and the sounds of snow geese roll outta the basement. But today he took it to an entirely new level. He took the electronic call outside to test out. Yes, he turned our backyard into a simulated wheat field with the sounds of geese. I was mortified, as I envisioned the neighbors wondering what the hell he was doing?!?!?! I do have to give him credit though.....because had he purchased a new electronic goose caller it would have cost around $700 and he was able to build one for about $150. He has also stolen my MP3 player, but has promised me an iPod for our Anniversary next month, so all is not lost. I get something new outta this entire situation. If I can figure out how to add sound to this blog post....I will grant you the gift of hearing the goose sounds....they are saved to my PC, so surely I can figure this out and share it with the world!!!
A Valentine’s Day Sommelier Death Match!
3 years ago
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