HOLY CRAP is all I can say the morning after my 1st ever spray tanning experience.
History - I am going to a semi-formal fundraising dance tonight and wanted to have a little color against my little black cocktail dress....
The Morning After Results......I am twice as dark this morning as I was last night when I went to bed. When I walked past the bathroom mirror this morning, I had to take a double take. Then I looked down at my feet and HOLY CRAP...it looks likeI dunked my feet in a pale of chocolate pudding!!! I tried to take a photo for you, but it did not do it justice! Note to self.....wipe off your feet better next time. On a happy note, my legs look fabulous!!!! I can usually tan in a regular tanning bed, but it takes numerous sessions and my legs never really 'that' tan....well, I am very happy with these results. Now, the down side....the stinch!!! I was not supposed to get my skin wet for at least 8-hours. The tanning spray has some weird chemical reaction with your skin and it has an odor. Not a bad odor...just a very distinct 'fake tanning' odor. After sleeping with this stuff on my skin, I am kinda stinky. I am headed to the shower soon to 'de-funk' myself and hopefully lighten up the my feet with some exfoiliant. Oh well, it will be dark inside the dance, so no one will really notice my pudding feet. I am also banking on everyone being drunk and not realizing that I went from a pastey honky-white girl on Thursday to a golden-bronze babe by Saturday!!!!
In the end, I would still recommend the spray tanning for a quick and safe tan. Since I was new to the spray tanning, I was able to purchase 2 sessions for $20. I am going to save the next session until right before summer and bikini season!!!
Are you laughing yet???????????????
I guess I have should purchased this product!!!!

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