Friday, September 19, 2008
Finally Friday!
Posted by Jewely at 5:46 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
Back on the WORKOUT WAGON!
Okay, so it is 5:06 a.m. and I up, dressed, and headed OUT the door to the gym. It has been at least 4 weeks since I regularly attended the gym. WHY the break??? No reason, just pure and simple laziness. I could list a dozen excuses, but the bottom line is...LAZINESS. I have gained about 3 pounds, so I just feel sluggish, so hopefully I can rev up my healthy eating habits and pair it up with some exercise and be back to my normal self by October 4th! Why October 4th???? I am going to a FABULOUS wedding and I need to wear my 'little black dress'. Okay, I am outta here, otherwise I would type all day and have yet another 'excuse' for not working out!
Love ya! Jewely
Posted by Jewely at 5:06 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Not to be complaining...BUT
Posted by Jewely at 2:47 PM 1 comments
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Seth's 5th Birthday
Well, we survived the Birthday celebration for our 5-year old. It was a fun-filled day, which started out with a small gathering at our house for Seth and a few friends from preschool. The kiddos played and also created a birthday poster for Seth to hang in his room to memorialize the occasionl. That evening, we had a family party which included the Cooper's, the Watts', and the Rathke's. We ate pizza, cake and homemade ice cream. Seth even helped mommy decorate the cake! Seth had a blast and received many nice cards and gifts. We also took the immediate family to Chuck-E-Cheese the Sunday before his birthday and celebrated with 3 hours of arcade games!!!
Happy Birthday to my Seth Ryan!!! Mommy loves you!!!
Posted by Jewely at 1:56 PM 1 comments
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Daily Tip - Menu Planning
Disclaimer: I must first say that I am not a licensed professional. My tips and ideas should be implemented at your own risk. I cannot make you lose weight. I cannot make you eat healthier. I cannot make you exercise daily. What I can do is offer you motivation and perhaps a little bit of inspiration.
Menu Planning is MUST for me. Not only to aide in my weight loss ~ body transformation journey, but also because it gets pretty busy around the Cooper house and if I don't plan ahead, we would end up eating popcorn for supper. Now, I don't just plan for supper meals, I also plan for my lunch time meals because we both take our lunches to work. This is mainly to cut back on the cost of food, but also to help me have some control over what I put in my mouth. I basically have this HUGE list of meals that I know my family will eat. I have it written down and posted on my fridge. I normally do my grocery shopping on Sunday morning, so Saturday night I look through my cabinets and freezer and see what I have in stock that I could use for meals the next week. Then I cross reference that list with my huge list of meals on the fridge, and then write out on another list (can you tell I am a list maker????) what the daily meals will be. Then I can create my shopping list. I try and plan meals that will provide leftovers so I can take them the following day for my lunch, as the hubby does not usually eat leftovers. I also love to utilize my crock pot, so if can cook my meal or at least the meat portion of the meal in the crock pot, then when I get home from work, I can add a couple of vegetables and a starch and be ready to feed the family.
Now, if someone were really diligent, they could also track the coupons that are in the Sunday paper and plan their meals around the most savings they can find. However, I don't have the time to be that organized. I just usually buy the store label or generic brands when possible.
Posted by Jewely at 4:56 PM 1 comments
Poo-Poo'd on the POTTY!!!!

Posted by Jewely at 11:32 AM 1 comments
Preparing for a PARTY!!!
Posted by Jewely at 11:24 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Going the the Dentist....SUX!!!
Posted by Jewely at 8:09 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Daily Tip
Disclaimer: I must first say that I am not a licensed professional. My tips and ideas should be implemented at your own risk. I cannot make you lose weight. I cannot make you eat healthier. I cannot make you exercise daily. What I can do is offer you motivation and perhaps a little bit of inspiration.
Daily Weight Loss Tip:
ALWAYS eat breakfast!!!! Okay, so this DOES NOT mean stop at the closest Krispy Kreme or drive thru McDonald's and order a #1 with a large coke!!! Nor does this give you permission to drop 75 cents in the vending machine for those 'oh so delicious' chocolate covered donut gems.
Here is my healthy tip. You need to schedule time in your morning routine to eat a healthy and filling breakfast. This is the first meal of the day and it starts your metabolism. This may mean that you have to get up 15 minutes earlier than normal. STOP HITTING THE SNOOZE BUTTON! You want to eat a balanced meal, which includes fruit, whole grains and some protein. Another great addition to this meal is to drink a cup of brewed green tea. If you want it sweet, add splenda or honey. No longer is a Diet Coke and Snickers bar the breakfast of champions!
Despite what you might think, skipping meals does not help you lose weight. I actually harms you. When you skip a meal, your body thinks that you are starving yourself and it goes into survival mode. By doing this, it stores FAT, rather than burning it.
Your body is your vehicle. You could not drive your car without putting fuel in it. You could not run your A/C without paying the electricity bill. So why would you not fuel up the most important tool in your life....your mind and body????
Here are a few suggestions that I rotate for breakfast:
Old Fashioned Oatmeal. I add in some golden raisins, brown sugar splenda, cinnamon and vanilla. It tastes like a cinnamon roll.
All Bran Cereal with Strawberries. I cut up fresh strawberries and sweeten them with a bit of splenda and then add in 1 cup of All Bran Cereal. This is filling and has tons of fiber!
Nutri-Grain Blueberry Waffle with strawberry all fruit. For an added bonus, I also add a dollop of Light Cool Whip. This is filling and also curbs my sweet cravings!!!
Posted by Jewely at 3:48 PM 0 comments
BACK by popular demand!!!
Posted by Jewely at 6:27 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
I disgust myself
Have any of you ever mindlessly eaten something to the point that you felt like you were going to vomit??? Yesterday, while diligently working on lesson plans, I snacked on some Mini Smart Cakes - Cheddar Flavor, by Orville Redenbacher. Let me just say....they are FABULOUS. I probably ate between 3-4 suggested servings of the delicious little treats. When I finally realized what I had done, I was miserable. To the point that the thought of ever eating again made me sick. When I got home, I had to fix supper for the family and it was physically difficult for me to cook and smell the food. I ended up sampling the chicken and the noodles, but I definitely did not eat a normal meal or even feel like eating. After supper we headed to Wal-mart. I was still miserable. Luckily, pushing the cart and walking around that huge store helped make me feel better. Plus, I picked up a carton of gorgeous strawberries and they tasted delicious. I can't wait for break time!
Lesson Learned....measure out your servings before you start snacking and STOP eating when you are full. Just because something tastes good does not mean that you have to eat the entire bag!!!!
By the serving of the Mini Cakes is 10 cakes. That is 70 calories, 2.5 grams of fat, and 1 gram of fiber. That equals out to 1.5 WW points...for those who are counting.
Here is a review of the product.
Posted by Jewely at 8:47 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 18, 2008
This Diet is making me PHAT
I have religiously worked out at the gym or at home or both for the last 7 days. I typically do some high intensity cardio, followed up with some weight training. I have attended a PiYo class for the first time in my life and I loved it. I have also started to incorporate jogging into my cardio routine and actually ran for an entire half mile without collapsing on the ground and calling 911. I have made a conscience effort to eat healthier this entire week...drastically increasing my fruits and vegetables...along with trying to eat lower carbs and less fat. I was feeling really proud of my efforts...that was until I stepped on the scales this week and saw a GAIN of half a pound. What the F#*(#*$&@(()! Seriously....I gained weight???? How is that possible????
I was disgusted and completely threw in the towel on Thursday. I won't gross you out with my disgusting food choices, but let's just say that Starbucks, Taco Bell and fried chicken were all in the mix.
This morning (Friday) I was a good girl and hopped outta bed at 5:00 a.m. and did my workout from home. Cardio and Strength Training! I also ate a healthy breakfast and have made conscience choices about my food today. I won't let this half a pound get me down. However, I am going to worry less about my food choices and just concentrate on toning and shaping my body. Don't get me wrong...I am not going to start eating Dairy Queen Blizzards for breakfast, but I am going to be less structured with my calories and more concerned about how I burn them off.
Posted by Jewely at 2:51 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 11, 2008
What's New???
Posted by Jewely at 10:47 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 21, 2008
9-lives and counting.....
First of all....I need to preface this post that I am not a huge animal lover. It goes back to when I was 17 and my mother moved me around to a lot of different rental properties and I had to give my adorable puppy away. I was heart broken and vowed that I would never get attached to another animal.
Anyways....we have a cat....her name is Sadie Mae. Sadie was a gift to my son on his 4th birthday. Let me just say that a kitten is NOT a good birthday gift for a 4-year old. Granted, he was thrilled and we had some fabulous Kodak Moments....followed by weeks of scratches and tears. 8-years later....the cat is still a part of our family. She is a very moody are most cats. When she does not like something....she vomits! This morning, I awoke to a fresh pile of cat puke just under my chair, next to this computer. She is a smart cat....she knew that hubby or I would be on the computer first thing and we would see the little gift she left for us and hopefully get the message that 'she is upset'. The only thing I can figure that she is annoyed with is Spring Break and the fact that I have been home all week, along with the two youngest children. It has upset her routine of napping and roaming the empty house for hours on end. Well sorry Miss Pukey Pants...I pay the mortgage, so just deal with it! Yesterday we had a playdate with some friends, so the added chaos in the house probably set her over the edge. I guess she will just have to wait a few more days until Monday rolls back around and we are back into our normal routine and grove. In the meantime, hubby has some cleaning up to do this morning. We have a rule....daddy cleans up cat puke and mommy cleans up kiddo puke.
Does anyone else have moody pets???? Mine is horrible and she is lucky to be alive after she puked on my scrapbook table and peed on my ironing board!
Posted by Jewely at 6:08 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 17, 2008
AHA Moments

Posted by Jewely at 6:07 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 16, 2008
KUDOS to the Hubby!
On Saturday, I went scrapbooking from 10 til 5 and the hubby stayed at home with the kiddos. I had had this event planned for over 3 weeks and I was looking forward to my free time to just hang with some Scrappy Gals and be creative. When I arrived home shortly after 5:00, I was pleasantly greeted with a vase of yellow roses and a Pink Zune MP3 player!!! I was shocked and surprised and excited and PROUD. My husband loaded up three children and went shopping for me!!! The roses are pretty and the Zune is AWESOME!!! It does way more than the MP3 player that was last year's Mother's Day Gift...which the husband has stolen from me. I am thrilled and very happy with my husband. I have already uploaded music and photos and other neat stuff to my new toy. Now my daily walks will be even better as I will have static free music, plus, the Zune is PINK. (The Zune is the Microsoft version of an IPod)
To make the husband look even more fabulous....he had an opportunity to attend the Big 12 Tournament in Kansas City and watch KU play, but since it was our anniversary and my family's Easter dinner, he declined. I know that must have hurt him a little....okay, A LOT....but he made the decision all on his own. I told him that I would not be upset if he went to the game, as long as I was allowed to spend the same amount of money on new clothes that he would spend on tickets, gas and food. I am very happy and touched that he chose his family over the Big 12 Tournament. I guess he does love me after all.
Posted by Jewely at 7:57 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Posted by Jewely at 12:21 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Karah's 1st Wagon Ride - March 9, 2008
Posted by Jewely at 4:58 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 6, 2008
The Right Direction
After having a pretty rough time with the flu and getting off track with both diet and exercise...I made a renewed commitment to myself to forget about the past and look towards the future! The fabulous sunshine has lifted my spirits! After some encouraging words from my fellow FABU-less Ladies, I entered the week head on with healthy meals and exercise everyday! After 9-completed weeks of the body transformation, here are my results so far:
Loss of 9 pounds!!! Loss of 8 inches over my total body broken down as follows:
Waist - down 4"
Hips - down 3 1/2"
Thighs - down 1/2"
Bust - same (still nursing)
I still have 11 weeks to reach my goal.....I would still like to lose another 5-6 pounds and slim down the waist, hips and thighs a few more inches. I am currently concentrating on sculpting some 'tank top arms' and firming up those abs. After 3 children and 2 c-sections....those ab muscles are pretty loose! Again, I have to remind myself daily that this is a life style change and once I reach my goal....the work does not stop. I will need to continue to eat healthy and exercise daily to maintain my rockin new body!!!
Tonight we are having pizza, as my son's preschool is doing a fundraiser. I am going to order a veggie delight on thin crust! Please give me the strength to limit my pizza consumption to one slice and fill up on veggies and salad!!! I just keep telling myself to listen to my body and to stop eating when I feel full!!!
Posted by Jewely at 10:58 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Motivational Thought of the Day

So if you are having a bad day and feeling sorry for could look like a dick with buck teeth!
Happy Hump Day!
Posted by Jewely at 10:15 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
All Tuckered Out - Miss Karah
Posted by Jewely at 1:41 PM 0 comments
Terrific Tuesday
It is only 6:00 a.m., so I am not sure how terrific of a day it is yet, as my daycare called to let me know that she is closing today, so already the daily routine has had a wrench thrown into it. However, I did rise at 5:00 a.m. to workout. I clocked 20 minutes on my Elliptical and then did some upper body weights. I also saw a commercial on TV with Kelly Ripa. Man, that woman has some rockin arms! I would LOVE to have sculpted, shapely arms before tank top season. I think that I need to buy some heavier dumb bells and beef up my routine. I did find the Kelly Ripa Workout on the web, so I need to mark that as one of my Favorites.
The insatiable appetite was a curse on I seemed to snack all day long, along with eating 3 meals. It is a curse and I really hope that I can get a grip on this situation. I really worry about this summer when I am off work and have way more free time to just sit around and nibble. It will be vital that I keep myself busy and active, otherwise, I will eat my way back up the scales before the fall semester begins.
Well, it is time again to start my morning 'beauty' ritual...(hahaha), so off to the shower.
Posted by Jewely at 5:59 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 3, 2008
Monday Again
Well, it is Monday morning again! I had a great weekend and I started out my week with some cardio and lower body toning. My elliptical needs to have the batteries changed, so it was a pretty weak cardio attempt, but at least I got my body moving. The scales were my friend today, so I was pleased with the number....132.0. I have this obsession with the scales and checking my weight daily. I have heard conflicting advice about my daily weight checks...but Mondays are typically my official weigh in Thursday when I log my weight for the FABU-less ladies challenge. At any rate, I was happy with the number and it reaffirmed to me that my scales are not broken.
I do seriously need some help with my food choices. I was horrible all weekend long! I would eat something healthy like carrots and watermelon, then end my meal with ice cream. And for supper on Sunday night, all I had was ice cream! I did go shopping and bought tons of fresh veggies and fruit, so let's hope I can stick to my WW points this week.
Well, I need to get busy! My students are calling me!
Posted by Jewely at 8:12 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 2, 2008
***Wonderful Windy Weekend***

Posted by Jewely at 2:04 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 29, 2008
Friday's Fitness

Posted by Jewely at 5:58 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Week 8 - Body Transformation Update
Well, unlike some of my team members, I don't really have anything exciting or fabulous to share about my weight loss this week. Thanks to the Influenza A virus, I was able to drop about 2 1/2 pounds in one week....but the weight has crept back on as my appetite has slowly increased over the last few days. I have not exercised in over a week, so this weekend I need to dust off the exercise equipment and get back to business. I had successfully avoided the Girl Scout Cookie detour....that is until today. I had ordered 4 boxes and now they are just sitting there, staring at me, like one of those Salvation Army Bell Ringers outside of Wal-mart...who just stares at you as you walk by without dropping in a few quarters. I succumbed to the temptation and ate two lemon cookies. Much to my surprise (and disappointment) they were not nearly as good as the Lemon Coolers that I bought last year. These are almost too sweet for my taste! Well, when it comes to lemon....I want tart and sour, with a little sweet. Lemon and Chocolate are my two favorite dessert flavors....well, not together of course. I am sure that my children will devour the cookies like a pack of wolves...all the while the hubby is yelling at me for spending $14 on Girl Scout Cookies. Alas.....I buy them anyways. I can't say no to those little brownies, proudly wearing their sashes, filled with badges and pins. It takes me back to the good ole days when I would go door to door, selling Girl Scout Cookies and then deliver them with my wagon. Oh, the memories.......guess I need to drink some water to cute the sugar taste from my mouth and consider doing something productive today. I cannot get motivated!
Anyways, back to the weight loss thing.....I really need to start tracking my points and staying within my range if I want to drop these last 7 pounds.......'I Can Do It'. It is pure laziness on my part. It is much easier to sit and watch re-runs of Friends and snack on garbage, rather than eat an apple and work out. Oh well, if I honestly want to buy that bikini and those skinny jeans...I gotta move! Also, if I stopped nursing lil Miss Karah, I might actually drop a few pounds in the chest area. But then I cannot justify eating all of those extra calories......UGH, the dilemma.
Posted by Jewely at 2:47 PM 0 comments
Waterfowl Widow
Posted by Jewely at 1:51 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Sick and Tired......
.....of being Sick and Tired. This flu is about to test my patience. I have been feeling lousy for an entire week. Granted, it started out just as a scratchy throat, but has been a week. To make matters worse, the baby came down with a fever on Saturday. UGH!!!!
Oh, and don't forget about the SNOW! It is the last week of February......and Spring officially begins in less than one month.....and we have more snow!!!!
I am seriously on the verge of being depressed! The hubby, who has luckily not been a victim of the flu, cannot relate. He gets to go snow goose hunting on Sunday. As much as I love my children and cherish their very being....I am ready for a day without being sick and a day without being stuck inside this house. If the baby is still running a fever on Sunday, we won't have the luxury of leaving. At this point, I would enjoy anything that would get me outta the house. Time will tell.
On a positive note, the oldest child who had the flu earlier this week is doing much better and bounced back quickly. Maybe the anti-viral medication actually worked on him!
Posted by Jewely at 11:39 PM 0 comments
Posted by Jewely at 7:51 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Road Block Ahead
Posted by Jewely at 8:49 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Body Transformation Journey
I decided to establish a New Year's Resolution this year and I roped in about 7 other friends to join me. We all wanted to shed a few pounds and get healthier for 2008.
For me, I really wanted to make a promise to myself to exercise daily and start eating healthier. I did not have a significant amount of weight to lose, but I did want to lose some inches and tone up my entire body.
I have never really been overweight. I have always been able to eat whatever I wanted and did not have to worry about my weight. After turning 30 and having a baby, I realized that my metabolism had slowed way down. Over about a year's time, I gained about 10-pounds. Now, one might not see this is a huge gain, but if I continued to gain 10 pounds every year, I would easily weigh over 200 pounds by the time I turned 40. That thought scared me to death. It also scared my husband! His mother is overweight....actually she is obese. Not only has her weight contributed to high blood pressure, diabetes, bad knees and sleep apneia....she cannot really enjoy her grandchildren the way that she would like to. I know that it has been difficult on my husband to watch his mother decline over the years. When I gained the 10-pounds, my husband was vocal about his dislike for my extra padding. When I wanted to have another baby, he told me that I had to lose weight before he would consider having another child.....that was all the motivation that I needed.....I started Weight Watchers and joined the gym and I dropped 15 pounds in about 4 months.....then I got pregnant. I only gained 30 pounds with the pregnancy.
My baby is now 1-year old. My how times flies! Over this last year, I have lost all of the baby weight and now I weigh about 1-pound less than I did when I got pregnant. What is amazing is the way that my clothing fits. Since starting this Body Transformation Journey in January, I have dropped one pant/dress size already. It has only been 7 weeks and I have lost 7 pounds since I first stepped on the scales. I hope to continue to lose about a pound per week. Our official challenge ends in May - right before Memorial Day. My goal is to buy a bikini and feel confident in wearing it at the pool. My other goal is to be the same size I was when I started dating my husband...well, I have met that goal. Last weekend I wore a little black cocktail dress to my sorority formal....I wore that exact same dress back in December of 2000 to a holiday party with my then my hubby.
Now, some people look at me and say that losing weight is EASY for me....that is SO NOT TRUE!!! I have to be conscience non-stop about what I put in my mouth. I also HAVE TO exercise. For my body and my metabolism, I find that I need to alternate daily between cardio and strength training. Not only does exercising help me feel better and gives me energy, it helps build muscle...which burns calories a lot faster than fat does.
EATING is my downfall. I absolutely LOVE food and soda pop. I try and always choose diet soda, but sometimes I just want a real Coca-Cola. I have done really well with taking my lunch to work each day and packing healthy food. I just feel hungry - a lot. It is always very difficult for me to pass up sweet treats. I do try and drink a lot of water and green tea, but I still splurge on soda pop daily.
If I am to meet my ultimate goal between now and Memorial Day, I am going to need to commit to following the WW points and stick to them....NO EXCUSES!!! I need to commit to keeping a daily food journal and logging my food consumption and how I was feeling that day...or why I ate what I ate. I need to commit to exercising matter what!
Life is a Marathon....not a sprint. Same goes for my Body Transformation Journey!
Posted by Jewely at 6:14 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 15, 2008
Ego Destroyed
Posted by Jewely at 9:37 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 11, 2008
Heart Dance Hangover
The hubby and I attended the Beta Sigm Phi Benefit Heart Dance on Saturday night. As a member of Beta Sigma Phi, supporting this charitable event is one of the annual events that we attend as a couple. My husband is not the most social individual, but he dusted off his dress shoes and made a valiant effort for his wife. It was also my Valentine Gift, so he scored bonus points. Our evening started off with dinner at Bruff's with my fellow sorority sisters. We have a fairly large group and Bruff's was busy, so we spent about 2 1/2 hours in there total. I am sure that they did not mind, as most everyone was drinking and eating steak. However, I am a bit concerned that some of the other patrons were offended by our 'naughty' gift exchange. One person received anal beads....not exactly a family friendly conversation topic. Our next trip was to the Country Club, where my hubby and I sat in the parking lot and chugged beer and listened to Vanilla Ice. It was just like high school. We ventured inside the event and found our seats and bought some "Queen Cash" for the mock Vegas Style gambling and silent auction. I had another drink and was feeling pretty chatty. The hubby gambled and doubled our money, while I walked around and harrassed people. Our family physician was there, my chiropractor was there, and even my 11-year old's 6th grade teachers were present. Gosh...a lot of important people for me to embarass myself in front of. We decided to take our wad of Queen Cash and bid on some auction items and then headed into the dance for the main event - Drunk Julie Stripper Dancing!!!! After consuming a few more adult beverages, my inhibitions were lowered and I proceeded to grind on anyone who would let me....granted, they were mostly my sorority sisters, so the damage was minimal. I did attempt to give the hubby a lap dance in the corner, but he is not really into public displays of affection, so I took my act back onto the dance floor for a little Prince and 'Pussy Control'. The dance ended much too soon for my likings, but it was time for me to take my drunk arse home. The hubby was kind enough to bring the vehicle up to the door for me. The rest is history! I did manage to win a 1-hour massage from some local salon that no one has ever heard about - so we will see how that works out.
Sunday was a different internal alarm went off and I was wide awake at 5:45 a.m. I managed to stumble down the hall into the kitchen to retrieve some Excedrin, an ice pack and some water. The whole house was spinning, so I went back to bed. I never fell back to sleep, but I just laid there - horrified as I recalled the previous evening's events. After a few hours, I attempted to get back up. The house was not spinning nearly as bad, so I took a shower in an attempt to feel better. I am still amazed at the destruction we did to the house....there were clothing items and gift bags and random 'stuff' just thrown all over the kitchen from the night before. I picked up the mess and fixed the house before the hubby arose.
All in all, it was a FANTASTIC evening. Lucky for my sake, the Heart Dance only happens once a year. I could not survive an evening like this very often.
Posted by Jewely at 8:20 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 9, 2008
The Morning After.....

Posted by Jewely at 7:33 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
And the winner is.........
comes tearing down the hallway, screeching at a level that only dogs could
hear. I could not really understand anything coming from his little
mouth, other than Karah did something to him. As I dashed off the couch
to investigate, I discovered that Karah had stolen his juice pouch and had
crunched it between her two tiny hands. She was toddling down the hallway
with her treasure in hand, like a trophy she had just won for a 1st place
wrestling match. Seth then attempted to grab the juice pouch from her and
we had a little 'rumble' in the hallway. I stood there and watched them
wrestle over the empty pouch and was amazed at the entertainment value I
found in the situation. Karah was the winner hands-down and Seth was
devastated. I separated the two competitors and provided Seth with a new
juice pouch and redirected Karah's attention to toys in the living room.
Posted by Jewely at 10:30 AM 0 comments
Posted by Jewely at 7:57 AM 0 comments
Hump Day
After my intense post on Tuesday, I have decided to lighten things up a bit. This comes after reading another portion of the book 'The Secret'. This was a Christmas Gift that Ireceived from a cherished friend. I need to read it daily to inspire me and remind me about 'The Secret' in life and how to achieve that place. Check out the 8-FABU-LESS ladies blog (see my favorites for the link). I entered a comical post about my exercise routine today. It is worth reading!!!
We have several inches of snow on the ground this morning. It is pretty, but will be a mess to get around in. Luckily I don't have to be in my cubicle until 8:20 this morning, so I have a little time to drive slowly.
Tonight I am making dessert for a celebration at school on Thursday. I am a little nervous, as I am trying to eat healthier, yet we are having pizza and pop and brownies......then Thursday night I have a sorority dinner. Then Saturday is the Heart Dance and dinner out for steak! Maybe I can dance away all of the calories on Saturday night!!!
Posted by Jewely at 5:53 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Pondering over Blog Topic
Ah, it is another fabulous weather day in Kansas....NOT. It is cold and wet and miserable. Yesterday was sunshine and 60 degrees....but today is the total opposite. We woke to a thunderstorm.....and it is February. Then it was raining and blowing horribly when I had to lug the kiddos from the vehicle into daycare. It stopped raining for a short time mid-morning and now it is drizzling and frigid. We have snow on the way, so better batten down the hatches and get ready for a chilly night.
The reason I am pondering over the Blog Topic is it is death. I guess I will start from the beginning. A friend of the family has been sick with cancer. He was diagnosed with pancreas and liver cancer about 2-weeks ago and given about 6-months to a year to live. This was devastating to his family. He has 3 grown children, and I have been friends with his daughter for many years. Not close friends, but have lunch occasionally and exchange e-mail photos of the children, etc. Well, when my aunt was over on Sunday, she told me that Jack was not doing well and they had readmitted him to the hospital. I guess he was just in severe pain and suffering. On Monday morning at 3:00 a.m. I awoke and had this strong feeling that Jack had passed on. I laid there for about 30-minutes thinking about his family and how they would handle the passing of their 64 year old husband, father and grandfather. I eventually went back to sleep and did not really think about it again until my aunt called mid-morning to tell me that Jack passed away at 3 a.m. Now, I am freaked out at this point. Why would I wake up around 3:00 a.m. and have a feeling about Jack???? I am not really that close to him or his family. My only explanation is that his situation was weighing heavy on my mind right before I went to sleep the night before.
The bizarre visions continue....late Monday morning I was headed to the doctor's office and I had a strong feeling that I would run into my grandparents there. Well, I pulled into the parking lot and decided that since it was sooooo full that I would just park at the empty end and walk the few extra feet, rather than try and find a closer parking spot. As with any familiar parking lot, we usually park in the same area each time we go (like Wal-mart for example), but on Monday, I went the complete opposite of where I normally go and pulled into a parking stall right next to my grandafther's truck!!! I am freaked out once again!!! I then got into the office and there they sat...waiting to see Dr. Detweiler. I rationalized this coincidence because I had talked to my grandmother on Sunday afternoon and she told me that she needed to see the doctor about her foot. She complained about the automated phone at the doctor's office, so I told her to press zero and then just ask the operator for her doctor's nurse. I knew that there would be a good chance that they would be into the doctor's office at some point on Monday....but how ironic that we both had appointments at 11:30 and that we parked right next to one another.
I guess it made me realize that there is a power greater than us guiding us through this hectic, crazy world. We have little control over anything. Jack's untimely death just made me more in tune with my emotions and realized that it could happen to anyone at anytime...including me. I worry about my grandparents and their health and their age. My grandfather will be 87 in June and he is still driving and they live on their own. I know that they cannot live forever, but the thought of them passing on is very hard for me. I am not close to my mother or my father, but my grandparents have always been there for me. Anyways, I called my grandmother today and they were both feeling I felt better.
Well, I guess I should probably get some work done this afternoon, as I need to jet out right at 3:30 to pick up the kiddos.....daycare lady is going to a basketball game out of town!
Posted by Jewely at 12:12 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Only In Kansas......
My husband is a HUGE waterfowl hunter. The spring goose season is his most active time of the year to go hunting and he plans for months in advance for this brief window during the year. Granted, he goes hunting for ducks, deer, turkey, and other things throughout the year, but geese are his favorite. His nickname is "Gooseslayer" if that tells you anything. At any rate, he has been spending every free moment over the last few weeks and days building an electronic goose caller. He has pieced together this 'thing' through the internet and Radio Shack and Wal-mart. I can hear him drilling and sawing 'things' in his hobby room and the sounds of snow geese roll outta the basement. But today he took it to an entirely new level. He took the electronic call outside to test out. Yes, he turned our backyard into a simulated wheat field with the sounds of geese. I was mortified, as I envisioned the neighbors wondering what the hell he was doing?!?!?! I do have to give him credit though.....because had he purchased a new electronic goose caller it would have cost around $700 and he was able to build one for about $150. He has also stolen my MP3 player, but has promised me an iPod for our Anniversary next month, so all is not lost. I get something new outta this entire situation. If I can figure out how to add sound to this blog post....I will grant you the gift of hearing the goose sounds....they are saved to my PC, so surely I can figure this out and share it with the world!!!
Posted by Jewely at 3:54 PM 0 comments
50 Things About Me
Do you like blue cheese? Not really sure....I have only tried it like twice in my life. I am a Ranch LOVER!!!
Have you ever smoked heroin? HELL NO!!! I am a control freak...drugs scare me!!!
Do you own a gun? I don't, but the hubby has several hunting guns!
What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic? Lemon Coke or Cherry Limeade!!! Strawberry Dr. Pepper was my favorite when I worked at Sonic back in the day.
Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Depends on why I am going to the doctor.
What do you think of hot dogs? Love em on the Grill!!! I would choose a grilled hot dog over a steak!!!
Favorite Christmas movie? Elf
What do you prefer to drink in the morning? I start my day with brewed green tea with fresh lemon and honey. Then I follow up with a bottle of water. As I am walking out the door, I grab a diet soda!
Can you do push ups? Not very well. I always end up with my butt up in the air.
Why is there a missing questions here?? That was my question.
What's your favorite piece of jewelry? Diamond Earrings that the hubby gave me on the first Christmas that we were dating.
Favorite hobby? Scrapbooking, Shopping and now BLOGGING.
Another missing question, whoever came up with this one can't count!
Do you have A.D.D.? That is debateable. My mind goes quickly and I often have multiple things going on at once. I am a multi-tasker by nature...but never diagnosed with A.D.D.
Middle name? Jo
Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment... I am thirsty. I am hungry. The weather sucks today.
Name 3 things you bought today... Nothing yet, but I am headed to the grocery store soon for beef stock and steel cut oats and pumpkin. (recipe testing today)
Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? Water, green tea, and diet soda. (regular if I am treating myself)
Current worry? I am still nursing and have a weird breast infection....sorry to be so graphic.
Current hate right now? Layoffs - our town's largest employer recently announced that they are going to permanently layoff 1500 of the 2400 employees. It does not affect my family directly, but it is a blow for our community. On a positive note, it will increase the enrollment at the Tech College and possibly allow me some opportunities to grow in my job.
Favorite place to be? At home with my family or anywhere with my Gal Pals.
How did you bring in the New Year? At home with the hubby and another couple. We toasted the New Year at 10:00 p.m. and then called it a night.
Where would you like to go? New York City or L.A. - this small town mid-western lady would love to see both coasts at some point in her life.
Name three people who will complete this? Not really sure if anyone reads my blog!!!
Do you own slippers? YES, several pairs. They are the first thing I put on when I get home after a long day of standing on my feet in 3" heels. They are super comfy, but nasty to look at. The hubby hates them.
What shirt are you wearing? Big, oversized sweatshirt.
Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? No, they are too slippery.
Can you whistle? Yes
Favorite color? PINK
Would you be a pirate? No, I tend to get sea sick!
What songs do you sing in the shower? I don't sing in the shower, but I do talk to myself and hash out my day. I always worry that the hubby is listening to me, as I sometimes have arugments with his mother in the shower. (no, she is not with me) Except that one time that she was staying with us and we only had one bathroom and I was in the shower and she needed to pee....the rest is history! Hence - we now have 2 bathrooms!!!
Favorite girl's name? Karah Jo or Madelynn Josephine
Favorite boy's name? Cass Paul or Seth Ryan or Steven James
What's in your pocket right now? No pockets - just sweat pants
Last person that made you laugh? The 4-year old - he was sitting alone in the living room in the dark. He told me he was hiding from the sun.
Best bed sheets as a child? Don't remember having a favorite.
Worst injury you've ever had? Cut my leg the summer before the 6th grade. Had to spend the summer on crutches and could not go swimming.
Do you love where you live? I love my house, but we live on a busy street. I do enjoy the town we live in, but we are hoping to move to an even smaller town. However, with the layoffs (see above), not sure our house will sell.
How many TVs do you have in your house? Don't judge me, but we have 5, living room, family room, master bedroom, 11-year old's room and 4-year old's room. The hubby is a TV junkie.
Who is your loudest friend? Susan Maycock!!!
How many dogs do you have? Cats? One Wacky Cat
Does someone have a crush on you? I have NO idea, but there are some hormone enraged students at the Tech College who like to flirt with me. It grosses me out!!! Now, if the cute guy at GNC has a crush on me, now that would be okay.
OK, ANOTHER one mising - someone messed this up.
What is your favorite book(s)? Anything by James Frey.
What is your favorite candy? I love chocolate covered coconut!
Favorite Sports Team? I could care less!
What song do you want played at your funeral? 'I Hope You Dance' and 'Amazing Grace'
What were you doing 12 AM last night? SLEEPING!!!
What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? I need to workout...but the 11-year old is having a sleepover in the family room....should I wake them up?
Posted by Jewely at 8:13 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Hello 1988

Posted by Jewely at 7:23 PM 0 comments