So, has this been the LONGEST winter or what??? I mean, seriously??? I felt so blessed during the Christmas holiday that no one in our family had really gotten sick. Then WHAMO....we got knocked down with sinus infections, ear infections, stomach flu, and now just a plain ole nasty cold. It is crazy how a simple cold can take a person down so quickly and make them feel like pooh-pooh!!!
I am so ready to open the windows and let the outside in! I want to pull down curtains and wash everything! Dust my house from floor to ceiling! Take down the tired ole snowman decor and put up spring flowers, bunnies and Easter Baskets! Spring Break is less than two weeks away! I am so ready for some lazy days to sleep in, hit the gym mid-morning, and then spend the afternoons chasing my children around the park! I am also so ready for early evening walks outside and the smell of fresh cut grass! Daffodils are dancing in my dreams!
A Valentine’s Day Sommelier Death Match!
3 years ago
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