Today was my first day back to the gym since either Monday or Tuesday of last week. Most of my exercise last week came from low impact walking. I am starting to feel back to normal, so I ventured to the gym today. After chatting with Heather Lake, one of the participant's in the Gazette's Get Fit Challenge, I had a new treadmill workout that I wanted to attempt. It was an awesome, heart pumping, sweat-fest and it will be added into my weekly routine! You know it is a good workout when you can ring out your sports bra afterwards!
Incline Treadmill Workout:
5 minute warm up at a speed of 3.0 on incline level 1. (I walked at 3.7 speed for entire time) After the warm up, you increase the incline by 1 level. Walk for a minute and then increase the incline again by 1 level. The treadmill can go increase at .5 increments, but you actually go up 1 whole level each minute. You go all the way up to an incline of 15, walking a minute each level. After 15, I then lowered the incline by 1 level each minute, until I was back to 1. When I hit level 1, I did a 5 minute cool down. It was a total of 38 minutes ~ 300 calories burned ~ 2.3 miles. If you think you cannot get a great workout on the treadmill, try this routine! It was AMAZING! At about Level 7 or 8, I realized it was going to get tough. From level 10 through 15, I had to hold onto treadmill to avoid falling backwards. At one point I felt the urge to increase the speed, but I felt as if I needed to conservative and not be a hero on my first day back. Seriously, this workout rocked!
After the treadmill, I jumped on the elliptical trainer for 22 minutes, as I wanted to log in 60 minutes of exercise. For that 22 minutes, I burned 200 calories ~ 2.15 miles. I then went to the Ab Coaster and did 50 reps.
For strength training, I pushed around the large grocery cart at know the kind that has the seats in the front for two children. I had Karah and Seth with me, so it added at least 60 pounds of resistance. Add in a case of pop, bottled water, bottled tea, and 2 gallons of milk, plus all of the other was one heck of an overall body workout just maneuvering through Wal-mart and trying not to take out an end cap or an old lady driving one of those electric carts. It was comparable to driving a semi! I worked up a sweat by the time I made it to the checkout.
So far I have had a great food day and hope to continue through tonight and into next week. Last week I logged 310 exercise minutes, 57 fruit/veggies, and 6 days worth of whole grains. Not too bad of a first week in the Walk Kansas Challenge, considering I was sick with strep for most of the week.
A Valentine’s Day Sommelier Death Match!
3 years ago
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