turned out to be a gorgeous day in Kansas! It started out overcast and cool...but ended with sunshine and warm temperatures. The kids and I enjoyed playing outside, running around, kicking balls over the house, and just being silly! We also dug out the bicycles and the kids took advantage of the driveway in the late afternoon, while I sat in the sunshine and graded papers. I am so ready for daylight savings time next weekend!
Physically, I am feeling better and hopefully my activities today will not hinder my attempt to rise at 5 a.m. on Monday morning! I managed to squeeze in an hour of mixed cardio at the gym. I did 35 minutes of interval running and 30 minutes on the elliptical. I also kicked the soccer ball around with my son, so my total exercise minutes for today are 85. I will not complain, as my normal daily exercise is 45 minutes in the morning. I am hoping with the arrival of spring that I can tack on a 30 minute jog each evening!
As far as food goes, I have had an awesome day! 1564 calories consumed - 434 calories burned = 317 balance....meaning I can enjoy an evening snack, should I feel the need. I have logged 7 servings of fruits/veggies and 1 whole grain. I intended to have a piece of wheat toast with supper, but after all of my fruit...I was FULL. I hope that I can keep up this momentum all week. I have made healthy choices today and not allowed myself to get too hungry! This is a great way to start out my week.
Best Wishes to all of my fellow Walk Kansas team members!!! Bring It On ROCKS!!!
A Valentine’s Day Sommelier Death Match!
3 years ago
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